

Getting the facts straight
about elections.

Every election reinforces the importance of voting as the foundation of America’s democracy. Nothing is more important to ES&S than maintaining the integrity of the voting process. By understanding the real risks to elections, we strengthen our ability to protect democracy.

Let’s get the facts straight.





Click here要了解有关如何验证选举准确性的更多信息。

Does ES&S support post-election audits?




Click here要了解有关严格测试标准的更多信息,ES&S系统必须符合联邦认证。狗万被端吗

Can voting machines be hacked?

Voting machines have been hacked at staged demonstrations and in laboratories, but these environments do not reflect an actual election scenario where multiple layers of physical and cyber security are always in place. These measures include pre-election testing, locks, restricted access, tamper-resistant seals, chain-of-custody protocols, and voting machines which are locked down to ensure limited access, along with more advanced technology found in newer equipment.

Click hereto read how researchers at the Rochester Institute of Technology were unable to change votes cast using the ExpressVote XL.


While the threats are very real, there’s no evidence that any vote in a U.S. election has ever been compromised by a cybersecurity breach. To date, the totality of security measures — such as tamper-resistant seals, audits, voting machines which do not connect to the internet (see modem note below), along with more advanced technology found in newer equipment — provides for an environment that would be difficult to compromise. An additional layer of security to U.S. elections is that voting systems are used and deployed in a decentralized manner across the nation’s more than 10,000 voting jurisdictions. This decentralization greatly diminishes the chance or impact of a large-scale attack. While there is no evidence of any hacking of any voting machine currently in use in an election, as threats become more sophisticated, so must voting machines and the nation’s entire voting infrastructure.

Click hereto download CIS’s best practices for securing connected, non-voting election technology.





Do ES&S voting systems use Smartmatic software?

No. ES&S designs and builds its own software from the ground up. All ES&S software is developed and compiled exclusively in the USA.

Are modems installed in DS200s nationwide?

No. Modems are not present in ES&S DS200 machines in states where modeming technology is not permitted or certified. In a few states it is a legal practice to use cellular modems to transmit unofficial election results after the polls are officially closed and all voting has ended. In states where modem transmission is permitted, ES&S uses mobile private network connectivity, industry best practices, and numerous security safeguards to protect the transfer of these unofficial election night results. Final official results are physically uploaded at election headquarters prior to final certification. The physical ballots and printed results tapes are always protected.


Modem components are not resident on the DS200 by default, but rather a separate board that is only installed in DS200s in those jurisdictions where a state may permit their legal use. Additionally, DS200s without a modem component do not include the application or the network architecture required to support modeming and allow a modem to operate on the machine. It’s also important to note that today’s modern cellular modeming technology also requires a private network service provider such as Verizon.



Does ES&S use independent testing of its voting equipment?

是的,以多种方式。狗万被端吗ES&S自愿遵守由EAC执行的联邦测试计划,EAC是由Bi-Partisan Help America Foter于2002年创建的联邦机构。这些实验室按照联邦投票系统标准进行严格的测试。在联邦测试计划下进行的审查层面上,几个州还与独立公司互动,以审核投票机的安全性,这是其州认证考试过程的一部分。此外,ES&S经常与网络安全狗万被端吗公司合作,进行独立的第三方测试,包括穿透测试和源代码审查。在最近的参与中,ES&S提交了我们的完整的端到端的软狗万被端吗件和硬件投票配置,用于测试网络安全基础设施安全局(CISA)关键产品评估计划at one of the nation’s leading centers for research and development in energy, national security, science and environment, to perform third-party independent testing of both our hardware and software to ensure the resilience and security of our voting systems.

ES&S有狗万被端吗过程来接收and respond to unsolicited vulnerability reports from cybersecurity researchers and other third parties?

Yes, ES&S utilizes its internal corporate information security staff to receive, evaluate and act upon, as necessary, unsolicited vulnerability reports from cybersecurity researchers and other third parties. In addition, ES&S maintainsa link on its websitefor the purpose of receiving and responding to reports and/or inquiries related to security.



• Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Election Task Force
• FBI election crime unit
• U.S. Intelligence community
• DHS’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
• Elections Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center (EI-ISAC)
• Information Technology Information Sharing and Analysis Center (IT-ISAC), Elections Special Interest Group (E-SIG)



How does ES&S protect its hardware and software supply chain?

As standard practice, each release undergoes extensive security testing and ES&S provides a complete set of software components to the voting systems testing labs (VSTLs) for review. ES&S also conducts thorough security reviews of our entire supply chain to ensure that every component is trusted, tested and free of malware. Every single item and manufacturer are approved and under engineering revision control. That’s the advantage of an ES&S purpose-built system versus one with components bought off the shelf.

Click here了解有关投票系统的供应链和制造的更多信息。

If I have a key that can open an ES&S machine lock, does that mean I can easily get into and hack the machine?



否。多亏了双扫描技术,ES&S制表机 - DS200,DS450和DS850 狗万被端吗 - 无论将其放置在机器中哪个方向,都可以阅读选票。

I understand ES&S ballot marking systems use barcodes. Can barcodes really be trusted?

条形码是一种可信赖的,经过测试的通用技术,以多种不同行业的各种方式使用,以提高安全性,准确性,速度和效率。DMV,药房,医院,银行和食品制造商都使用条形码。投票计数计算机(称为制表器)以与纸质投票上的椭圆形位置相同的方式读取条形码 - 因此,带有条形码的摘要卡包含与手绘投票相同的数据。由于条形码提供了一种可靠的方法来准确阅读信息,因此该技术几乎消除了人为错误的可能性(例如,选票不佳,对选民意图的误解)。与人类可读文本一起显示,带有条形码的摘要卡是完全可审计的。

Click here要了解有关读取条形码的更多信息。

Click here观看有关如何阅读选票的视频。

Does ES&S support the use of paper in elections?

狗万被端吗对于审计ES&S认为纸质记录是至关重要的。In 2018, ES&S decided to no longer sell paperless voting machines as the primary voting device in a jurisdiction because it is difficult to perform a meaningful audit without a paper record of each voter’s selections. ES&S was the first tabulation provider to ask Congress to pass legislation requiring an auditable paper record of every vote cast. Using a physical paper record sets the stage for all jurisdictions to perform statistically valid post-election audits. Every single one of our universal voting machines produces a paper record that can be tabulated and audited.

I understand that ES&S election software operates on Windows. What does that mean for election security?

Election systems are hardened, meaning that the computer that runs Windows is locked down with allowed access only to the functions required to conduct an election. Unused ports are blocked, and unnecessary services are removed. This hardening means that work stations running on Windows platforms are protected from the types of risks more commonly associated with mainstream technologies. For systems that currently use Windows 7, ES&S and Microsoft will provide ongoing support for that software until jurisdictions can upgrade to our latest versions which now incorporate Windows 10.

Does ES&S Electionware use fractional, weighted or proportional voting?


Do any of your systems currently deployed have any kind of remote access capability, and, if so, how many?

No ES&S product or system has remote access capability; ES&S does not provide this capability.

ES&S systems in the past included remote-access capability. Why?

More than a decade ago, ES&S, along with others in this industry and many other industries, provided software upon customer request for customer workstations—not voting machines—for troubleshooting purposes. While no known issues arose with this practice, ES&S has not provided this capability since 2007 and never provided it for voting machines.

Do ES&S voting machines ever fall out of calibration or need re-calibration?

While older touch screen technology required frequent calibration, our current technology, including the ExpressVote and ExpressVote XL, do not.
触摸屏校准是在工厂进行的,很少需要再次需要。狗万被端吗ES&S建议将每台机器作为选举前逻辑和准确性测试的一部分进行检查。ExpressVote和ExpressVote XL都是基于纸张的通用投票机,所有选民都有能够在投票前检查其纸质选票的准确性。

Are older voting machines secure?



ES&S serves about 1,679 county-level jurisdictions across the U.S.

Who owns ES&S?

狗万被端吗ES&S由麦卡锡集团(McCarthy Group)和ES&S管理人员的个别成员100%拥有。麦卡锡集团最初在1987年与ES&S的创始人合作,三十多年来一直支持ES&S,因为它已经通过针对选举的每个步骤而发狗万被端吗展成为行业领导者。狗万被端吗ES&S与McCarthy Group的稳定合作伙伴关系使人们能够持续投资研究和开发,从而建立了新的和改进的投票技术,该技术具有最高的安全标准,这有助于选举官员进行安全和成功的选举。

Why trust a private company with our nation’s elections?

The elections infrastructure, like the nation’s power grid, is made up of public and private partnerships. As DHS says in describing critical infrastructure, there is a shared responsibility among multiple stakeholders because neither the government nor the private sector alone has the knowledge, authority, or resources to do it alone.


